To Erin on Valentine’s Day
TO: Erin Walsh-Acevedo
FROM: Nick Acevedo
DATE: February 14
RE: Just in time…
If my time zone math is accurate, this should hit your inbox a few minutes after midnight in the Philippines…assuming you have a wi-fi connection.
It’s tough being a world away from you but that has nothing to do with a date on the calendar. It’s tough every day but this day—the history of which I’m certain you’ll school me on—reminds me it’s another holiday we haven’t spent together.
I don’t remember how to make coffee if I’m not sharing most of it with you. I reach over in the middle of the night and expect to find you beside me. I can’t watch anything or listen to any podcasts because we do those things together.
I can’t help but toss a roll of cookie dough in my cart every time I’m at the grocery store. In related news, I handed out rolls of cookie dough to my residents for correctly answering my questions during rounds today. I might’ve set a dangerous precedent.
But the coffee and the podcasts and the empty bed are nothing more than reminders that we get to share this life. You leave but you come home, every time. And one of these years, Skip, we’re going to be on the same continent for Valentine’s Day. If we’re lucky, the same city too.
We’ll get it right soon enough. We always do.
Love you always,